
Stay Positive! :)

Hey guys! I hope you're all having a great summer! :) 
I was just thinking up some things to think about when you or anyone you know that is getting bullied can stay positive, and not let the bullying bring them down.

Someone says... "You're ugly."
You should say to yourself... "I am beautiful/ handsome and nothing you say will change that. "
Everyone is beautiful/handsome.Seriously. "Beauty is in everyone, but not everyone can see it. " This is why you should learn to love yourself, and discover your inner or/and outer beauty. 

Someone says... 'You're a loser." or "You're worthless."
You should say to yourself..."If I try my best I'm not a loser, because trying my best is what matters. Also, I'm not worthless because myself and everyone else in this world has a reason for being alive. I'm part of the many people who has a great future ahead."
You are not worthless just because someone says that. Sometimes I like to think of the world like it's a big play and everyone in it  has a role . Some people get a big role while other people get a small role in the play. Just because a person has a small role, it doesn't mean their role isn't important in the play. It doesn't make that small role worthless. (Sorry if this doesn't make sense, this is just the way I look at it.)

Someone says..."Your're fat."
You should say to yourself..."It doesn't matter whether people think I'm skinny or fat, I'm beautiful/handsome just the way I am."
:) Smile. Just smile. Because whether people think you're skinny or fat, everything about you (weight, height, appearance) is what makes you, you. As long as you're happy with the way you are, that's all that matters! :)

Someone says..."Nobody likes you."
You should say to yourself..."Just because someone says that no one likes me, doesn't mean it's true. 
Not true. Not true. Not true. There are so many people who care for you. 
Just take a minute to think about this :) You may not know this, but you are LOVED. 

Thanks for reading! :) Please leave a comment with your questions, advice, or anything else! :) Bye! xx Have a great day everyone!


  1. I love your post, princess.Thanks for impacting lives.May the good Lord continue to give you wisdom and understanding to spur many to the LORD. AMEN

    1. Hi. Im harry, can you help me. Im gay and i get bullied really bad for it. I do stuff to make me feel better but i cant tell you what. I need edvise.
      From harry

  2. Here's a link to an anti-bullying and song of hope: http://www.youtube.com/user/Wisztrock

  3. The Wisztrock anti-bullying and song of hope is now at:


  4. I 've attached a link to an article, 'Understanding Bullies: Why Kids Bully in School: http://verybestforkids.com/understanding-bullies-kids-bully-schools/ which parents of both bullies and their victims might find useful as it explains in some depth the causes of bullying.

  5. Um hi. Harry back, i also get abussed by my dad other than at school because im gay. I hate it and i need help

  6. This is such a great Blog. As a mom and experiencing different stories, I came across another blogger I thought was worth passing on the. My daughters have been experiencing bullying starting in 1st grade. We have to find a way to stop this!!! Check out Happy Hannah. She lives in San Francisco Bay Area. She's amazing

  7. The best to deal with bullies to simply live your own life the best you can. You will then have many wonderful times in your life. The bullies will all experience failure in many forms over and over again. If you live in the same area as bullies for many years you will eventually see some of them in the newspaper for the bad things that they have done. The wisdom is: when you do the right thing you get the right results and vice-versa.

  8. Another anti-bullying song is called "Be Nice to Everyone" by Wisztrock. You can hear it at:


  9. Thank you for this words of wisdom. You helped a lot of people who experienced to be bullied. You enlighten their lives because of your advises. I hope you continue this. God bless. :D And for those who experienced being bullied, don't mind them. Just be true to yourself and you don't hurt others and that's more important.

  10. https://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/rt-hon-david-cameron-mp-get-rid-of-being-able-to-write-anonymous-to-someone-on-social-media-websites-such-as-ask-fm

    Please sign to make a change...

  11. Wisdom: Don't let anyone or society tell you what you should do or be. Live your own life, think for yourself and you very well might discover amazing things!

  12. ★☆★ Listen Up ★☆★

    To those of you whose lives have been burdened by bullies.....Your plight ends NOW!!!

    Watch this short video and find out right now how YOU can become one of the growing legion of followers who have already Stood Up to Stomp Out Bullying once and for all.

    The revolution has begun.....and it began with The Rising Of The Anti+Bully.

    Watch Now!!!

  13. You can out how bullying is now being phased out of the cultural mindset at: https://sites.google.com/site/wisztrock/

  14. Here's the new Wisztrock website that includes anti-bullying information:

